Interview with Carl SCREWTAPE Paoli
Veteran Hollywood stuntman Carl Paoli, known for stunt doubling Patrick Dempsey, Patrick Swazey and Jimmy Fallon, to name a few, has translated his fearlessness into art. His intrepid lifestyle is expressed on canvas as raw, intimate, figurative portraits delivered in an urban, contemporary style, while drawing influence from the masters. His art has been seen in the streets, galleries and museums of New York, Los Angeles, Florida and Chicago and sold world wide.
Hi Carl today MoW selected 3 of your artworks inspired by music. Is music important to you and your art?
Music is important to my art because I have always believed that creative expression all comes from the exact same place. The soul. I have only been painting for 4 years. “Passing the Throne” was my first large canvas and, to me, it was easy because I let loose. I let the music play and the rhythm guide me. I made a firm decision that I would not pay dues. I was going to come out of the gate great. No junk. So I chose greatness to paint.

If you had to choose between the artworks presented today, which of your artwork would be your favorite ? And why ?
If I had to choose between the artworks presented I would say “Passing the Throne” is my favorite. It was pure inspiration. I set out to capture true greatness in the two things I love deeply. Painting and Music. My favorite artist Basquiat appears to be painting the music artists Jay Z and Kanye West. He is spray painting crowns on both of them calling them king and proclaiming it so. I painted this before “Watch the Throne” came out. I was forced to title it something similar as it went straight to LAB ART Los Angeles gallery. My first gallery, my first show and it sold! Pure inspiration at its core.
Can you tell MoW more about the techniques you used. How old is your technique? How did it start? How long does it take you to make an artwork ?
When I paint I try to make it new every time. I try not to imitate myself and that includes technique. I took an art class for one day and hated it. I was being taught to paint like the teacher. Everyone was. So I left and decided to paint like me. So I approach it differently every time. Sometimes paintbrush, some times pallet knife, most often my fingers and what ever else is in reach. My paintings take between an hour and 2 days depending on how good the music mix is that my DJ friend DJ Mark Eaton sends me. He is a Philly based DJ / film maker that does shows in NYC.
Do you have plans on creating new artworks insipired by music ?
I plan to continue to create artworks depicting other artists including musicians, poets, actors and other inspired people.
Do you listen to music when you’re working ? If so, what kind of music ?
I do listen to music when I’m creating my art. My friend sends me his DJ mixes recorded from his shows or his Ustream sets. Sometimes the music of the artist makes my work more personal and other times I try different music to bring out a new, unique side of the artist. All in all it does affect it.
What is the song you liked the most lately? The album ? What was the last gig you went to ?
I like the song “Partition” by Beyonce. The music video is very seductive. She has worked hard on her music as well as her fitness and she is showing the world. I’m doing the same with my life and my art
Are you a musician yourself ?
I am not a musician. However, if you look at my instagram account im_screwtape I post video of myself putting up my street art, painting at live events and painting in my studios all to music. The music is the audio to the visual. Most of my friends are in one way or another in music. Growing up they were in bands or groups or dancers while I was pursuing a film career. I became a successful stuntman in 100’s of movies stunt doubling the biggest male actors. I found painting later on.
Find out more about Carl SCREWTAPE Paoli here :